Friday, December 12, 2008

Between Asher and Phanuel

From the Patriarch Jacob and his son Asher to Phanuel stretches the tortured path of the Israelites/Jews.  Anna was obviously a Jew at the time of Christ's birth, though the tribe of Asher had occupied a part of the Promised Land that had been ethnically cleansed by Sennacherib, the king of the Assyrians about seven centuries before the Prophetess Anna greeted the Christ Child.  The question occurred to me: how is Anna serving in the temple of the Herodian period when all her ancestors might have been killed (if a male) forcibly married to a non-Israelite (if female) or (if allowed to live as a slave) carried away into captivity in Assyria?

We will try to find that answer.  There are some interesting historical developments, many of which I am only now discovering.  But let us begin with the circumstances of the birth of Asher. We have already noted that Jacob had two wives: Leah and Rachel, and two concubines: Zilpah and Bilhah.  Leah was very fertile early in their marriage.  There were no handmaidens serving as his concubines at the time.     Leah gave birth to  Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah.  And then she stopped bearing.

Rachel was barren, even though she was greatly beloved by Jacob.  So she gave Jacob Bilhah to bear him children in her stead.  The girl bore Dan and Naphtali.  Well, if Rachel could play that game, then Leah could do the same.  So she gave Zilpah to Jacob to bear children for her sake.  Gad was the firstborn son of Zilpah; the next one was called *blessed* by Leah: Asher.  

Leah bargained with Rachel for the favors of their husband Jacob for one night and conceived Issachar.  And after another visit by Jacob, Leah bore her sixth son, Zebulun.  And finally for her last child, she bore a daughter, Dinah.  

At last, Rachel became pregnant and bore Joseph, his father's favorite.  At about this time, Jacob leaves the land where he had earned his two wives' bride price and escaped the father of Leah and Rachel, fleeing to the land of Isaac, his own father.  

God appeared to Jacob and changed to Israel  and gave him the blessing that He had given to Abraham and Isaac.  But Jacob's beloved Rachel died on the return journey between Bethel and Ephratha in giving birth to Jacob's last child, Benjamin.  

Next post will be on Jacob's special son, Joseph, and how he saves the children of Israel, including the tribe of Asher.

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